ISB (I'm so bored)

Developed by byte[size] Software.

Licensed under Apache 2.0

ISB (I'm So Bored) is a network-stress testing utility for Windows (.NET 5.0)


HTTP FloodPort ScanningLog to fileComprehensive Documentation
UDP FloodWHOIS LookupLog to clipboardDiscord support
TCP FloodDNS LookupDedicated UI LogEmail support
ICMP FloodTracerouteNetwork MonitoringAutomatic update checking

byte[size] Software:




Credits: here | Donate: bitcoin

Languages: [english] [french] [spanish] (Natively written in English. Translations may be... inaccurate)


Table Of Contents

Contact us

Discord: open in Discord


Known Issues

Bug Reporting

Please report bugs to Discord or email

Basic Usage

With the main window open, navigate to the target section. Enter the IP or URL of your target (#1/#2). Select it with the "Set Target" button (#4). Assuming no errors are displayed (otherwise: see common errors): Select your attack type in the attacks section. Set the variables for your attack (see: http flood, udp flood, tcp flood, tcp port scan, icmp flood, slowloris). Press "Start Attack"/"Start Scan" to begin, Press again to stop attack/scan.


1. Title bar [Application Name] - [Version]2. Process metrics: (left to right)
2a. Process CPU Usage: The amount of CPU used by the application.
2b. Process Memory Usage: The amount of Memory is use by the application.
2c. Process Threads: The amount of Threads opened/in use by the application.
3. See target for usage4. See log for usage
5. See target info for usage6. See attacks for usage
7. See editors for usage8. See about for usage
9. See networkmonitor for usage

Common Issues:


Window Section #3

1. URL or IP of target. "" for example.2. Port to target. Find commonly used ports here
3. The IP of target, when set (#4 pressed)4Set the target with URL or IP in #1 and the port in #2

Common Errors:


Window Section #4

1. Log Window. Will output messages and errors.2. Clears the log window (not the logfile)
3. Toggles the automatic scrolling of the log window.4. Copies the log window to the clipboard.
5. Saves the log window output to file (ISB log.log)6. Opens the logfile if one exists.

Formatting: [date time a/P] > *([error title]:) [message]


Common Errors:

Target Info

Window Section #5

1. Performs a WHOIS lookup on the target.2. Performs a DNS records lookup on the target.
3. Performs a Traceroute on the target4. Opens the target in browser*
5. Pings the target X times. (#6)6. X times to ping the target. (#5)

Common Errors:

*Browser used can be set in the editors (Section #7 of the window)


Window Section #6

1. Performs a HTTP Flood on the target.
For usage information click here
2. Performs a UDP Flood on the target.
For usage information click here
3. Performs a TCP Flood on the target.
For usage information click here
4. Performs a TCP Port Scan on the target.
For usage information click here
5. Performs a ICMP Flood on the target.
For usage information click here
6. Performs a Slowloris attack on the target.
For usage information click here

Attacks - HTTP Flood

Window Section #6 Attack #1

1. Default: '/' Sets the subsite to use when GET (#7) is enabled* 2. Set the interval (in milliseconds) between sending packets to target.
3. Set the time (in milliseconds) for the target server to keep the connection open 4. The amount of threads the application should use to attack the target
5. Use a random subsite? The length of the random string can be changed in #6 6. Random Subsite (#5) Length in bytes Higher = slower (more data) / Lower = faster (more traffic)
7. Use GET Protocol? Default is POST protocol. 8. Should we wait for the server to respond to the last request sent?
9. Should we declare GZIP encoding in our headers? 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 10. Starts/Stops the attack
11. Sockets connected successfully 12. Packets sent successfully
13. Responses from target recieved (if #8 is set) 14. Sockets/Packets that have failed to open/send
15. Output headers sent to the log window?(Window Section #7)**

Common Errors:

*Example: '/search?q=' Used in conjunction with Random Subsite (#5) and Use GET (#7) will continually poll target with a random search query.

**When enabled; this will cause unresponsiveness and crashing of the application. It is a known issue. Please do not report it to support...

Attacks - UDP Flood

Window Section #6 Attack #2

1. Set the interval (in milliseconds) between sending packets to target. 2. Sets the size of the buffer in the packet.
3. The amount of threads the application should use to attack the target 4. Starts/Stops the attack
5. Sockets connected successfully 6. Packets sent successfully
7. Sockets/Packets that have failed to open/send

Common Errors:

Attacks - TCP Flood

Window Section #6 Attack #3

1. Set the interval (in milliseconds) between sending packets to target. 2. Sets the size of the buffer in the packet.
3. The amount of threads the application should use to attack the target 4. Starts/Stops the attack
5. Sockets connected successfully 6. Packets sent successfully
7. Sockets/Packets that have failed to open/send

Common Errors:

Attacks - TCP Port Scan

Window Section #6 Attack(ish) #4

1. The first port to scan (1-35565) 2. The last port to scan (1-35565)
3. The time to wait (in milliseconds) for a reply. 4. Starts/Stops the scan
5. Total ports OPEN 6. Total ports 'uknown' error presumed DOWN
7. Total ports 'refused' error presumed DOWN 8. Total ports 'timed out' error presumed DOWN*
9. Total ports DOWN 10. Outputs "Port X UP" to log window (#4)

Common Errors:

Attacks - ICMP Flood

Window Section #6 Attack #5

1. Set the interval (in milliseconds) between
sending packets to target.
2. Sets the timeout of the current connection.
3. Sets the size of the buffer in the packet. 4. The amount of threads the application should use to attack the target
5. Starts/Stops the attack 6. Packets sent successfully
7. Packets that have failed to send

Common Errors:

Attacks - Slowloris

Window Section #6 Attack #6

1. Set the interval (in milliseconds) between
sending packets to target.
2. The amount of threads the application should use to attack the target
3. Starts/Stops the attack4. Packets sent successfully
4. Packets sent successfully6. Packets that have failed to send

Common Errors:


Window Section #7

1. Location path of the text editor.
Defaults to system default from registry.
2. Location path if the web browser.
Defaults to system default from registry.
3. Opens the File Dialog to pick the text editor used* 4. Opens the File Dialog to pick the web browser used*

Common Errors:

*Accepts: exe, .exe, *.exe


Window Section #8

1. Launches the 'Help' window. Keyboard Shortcut: F1 [Hint: Help window displays this page]
2. Location the 'About' window Keyboard Shortcut: F2
Combo breaker?

Help Window

Help Window > Window Section #8-1

Common Errors:

*You are here... 50/50 shot of how you got here*

About Window

About Window > Window Section #8-2

1. Displays the Application name, Version, and Developer.
2. Shows the licenses in use. Note: Usage of this software implies license agreement.
3. Shows the packages used, and accredits those who help to develop/maintain ISB
4. Shows the BTC address in which donations are accepted. Thanks! :)
5. Opens browser to the application repository

Common Errors:

*You are here... 50/50 shot of how you got here*

Network Monitor

Window Section #9

1. The adapters detected by the monitor 2. Current status of selected adapter
3. Flushes DNS (Result outputs to log window)
Executes: ipconfig.exe /flushdns
4. Renews All Adapters (Result outputs to log window)
Executes: ipconfig.exe /renew

Common Errors:

Change Logs

Click here for latest release.